:33 This is a practiced Beyonce pose. This girl has the right kind of stank to go far in this competition - I just hope it's not a robotic approximation of stank. But man, can this girl sing the shit out of a song.
:39 Oh, Deandre. His dreamy falsetto, his curly hair, his piercing blue eyes. I am in love.
:54 WHAT???!!!!
1:43 The control and accuracy of Candice's runs is really impressive. I love the clarity of her voice. And somehow, she did not make the 'top 42.' And so continues Idol's mishandling and misunderstanding of black women.
2:50 I whip my hair back and forth ....
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Back soon with real writing!
This post made my Friday. Like, when I saw a new post on Google Reader, I audibly gasped. Hooray! But seriously, JR...that hurr reminds me of Kenny G. This song is right, though, no doubt about it. xoxo